Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Your Half-Cafe, Double Vanilla Latte Is Getting Cold Over Here, Francis.

I don't just like TV. I REALLY like TV. I mean I REALLY like TV so much that when I find a series that I like, I will watch the entire series and nothing else until I'm done. Yeah. I'm a binge watcher and I've binge watched the hell out of "Supernatural". 

I also really like movies! Like really, really like movies. Like really, really like movies so much that my favorites have been consumed countless times to the point of memorization of lines.  BUT, sometimes my brain moves faster than my mouth, so I will paraphrase and screw things up. Oh well!  What can ya do?

Anyway, a movie that I've seen a bunch is "Akira" and the geniuses at TeeFury have completed me with this little gem!

Monday, November 25, 2013

B Double E Double R U N...BEERRUN!

This Saturday I ran and walked and ran and walked then beat my last 10K time and celebrated with a beer!  

I also went old school with a sporting logo. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

You Make Me Feel Real Good. I Wanna Rub You Down.

Oh wait!  I'm about to talk about Color Me Rad and NOT Color Me Badd. DUH!  What a silly goose I am. 

Anyways (DING!), this weekend I will run in my second 10K ever and as excited as I am for it, I'm incredibly nervous because I'm going to be running the final 1.2 miles solo. Also, it'll be the first race that I'll be participating in where I'll have no one at the finish line waiting for me.   ::pouts::

The upsides are that I'm going to have a fun girls only slumber party with some amazing women and my "Sister from another Mr" will be by my side and inspiring me to do my best for the first 5 miles.  Oh!  I'll also be debuting my sweet new running tights and they do make my booty look soooooo fine!

Oh!  That leads me to today's shirt which happens to be a cap. I got it at the Color Me Rad in Philly this past summer and I've taken to wear it when I work out at the gym while my G hat is still reserved for races.  Philly was friggin' amazing and I'm hoping that next year the same group of us can get even more covered in colored corn starch!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NO! Not Scott Hope!

I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but I am completely suffering from a wicked nasty migraine. My apartment is insanely bright therefore I feel worse than I did before I left my darkened office for my home sweet home and I'm pretty certain that someone is drilling into my skull. 

Regardless of the fact that I'm living a hell on Earth scenario I quick took a pic of today's T for your amusement. 

My 40th birthday weekend was spent on the "Isle of Long" with amazing friends and we even ran a 4 miler!  I know how to party. Don't I?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

#FigmentTested #DuffyApproved

You'd think that to prepare for this week's upcoming 10k that I'd be running like the wind every chance that I get.  Instead, tonight, I'm spending time with a mopey dog & wearing my T shirt from my very first 5k EVER!

Disney's marathon weekend was when I was bitten by the fun themed fun run bug as well as the beginning of this current chapter of my life.  It was an amazing experience, fun as hell and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Loosen Your Corset And Have A Drink

Once upon a time, in another life, I got paid to travel.  Also, in that same period of time I fell in love...with Asheville, NC.  

I was lucky enough to have been able to live there for almost 6 glorious months.   In that time period I learned a lot about myself.  I learned how amazing a cup of coffee tastes as you sit by the window and watch all of the local characters walk by. I learned how much more interesting art can be when it's displayed in an old Woolworth store.  I learned that dogs get as much respect as their human counterparts thanks to all of the pet friendly establishments.  I learned that a book is more interesting when you have it hand picked for you by a bookshop owner.  I learned how to slow down and really enjoy simplicity and the little things that life has to offer.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kinley Is The Best!

I have been to "The Happiest Place On Earth" a lot and, specifically, whilst at EPCOT I have spent a great deal of time at Club Cool sampling the sodas of the world.  I may have even consumed so much that giggle fits have nearly caused me to wet myself. 

A few years back, after enjoying my 6th shot glass sized helping of Israel's finest, I noticed a Russian Coca-Cola T. Since I took Russian in high school & college I had to...had to...HAD TO HAVE IT!  Damn!  Now I want some Kinley. Kinley rules. Suck it, Dani!  ;)

Monday, November 11, 2013

We Attack The Mayor With Hummus!

It's a chilly Monday night and instead of podcasting with the AKS & SKAR I've dusted off a favorite cookbook and chosen to get a little breakfast casserole prepped for the gang at work tomorrow as well as some chicken & dumplings for my dinner tonight. 

In honor of my podcasting cohorts, tonight's nerd shirt is for you!  The soup, however, is all for me.  MMAAWWAAHHHAAAA!

Oh!  The reminds me!  I think I have a couple of shows to watch and notes to take. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Would You Care For Some Tea?

It's been one hell of a week!  Near as I can tell, the best way to unwind after a drama-filled few days is to throw on some comfy duds & work my way through my DVR.  

In an effort to EXTERMINATE my angst I've chosen my Dalek T which was gifted by a dear friend who has surprised me a couple of times with packages filled with goodies from cons and such.  I am forever grateful for sick kindness and cannot wait until we cross paths again!  Perhaps, next time, I won't cause temporary deafness thanks to my loud laughter and howls during an Archer panel. LOL!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

He Called Me His Persian Kitten!

Totes obvie I know nothing else about Oklahoma than there's a musical named after the state and that college sports are a big ol' deal there.  Luckily, for you, this keeps today's blog short.  

He's me, podcasting in a hoodie borrowed long ago.  So long ago that it's now mine all mine.  Mmmmaawwwaahhhaaa!!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Obviously You're Not A Golfer

I've been under the weather and thanks to the time change I'm still hunkered down in bed as I write this post.  

Can I just say that I love a good movie?  (Well. Well. Well, it's my freakin' blog so I guess I can say whatever I want!). Then again, I also love a good "bad" movie.  I can watch either type over and over again until the cows come home!  One of the good...nah...GREAT movies that I've seen well over a dozen times at this point is The Big Lebowski.  

The hero is goofy, spacey & downright lovable, the plot is ridiculous & the cast of crazy supporting characters is more colorful than Crayola's box of 160!  I can quote it, it always makes me laugh & I need to go to a Lebowskifest before I become worm food.  I also need to cosplay there. Just saying.