You know what makes this a super merry Christmas? It's because I arrived home, earlier this evening, to find my fancy pants new T which took forever and a friggin' day to get here. It's a damned Christmas Miracle!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
It's been a few days since my last post due to illness and holiday travel. Sadly, the shirt I intended for tonight's lost didn't arrive before I left for NY. Boooooooooooooo! Perhaps, it'll be in my mailbox when I arrive home tomorrow.
Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you all for your support and reading this ridiculous little blog. Some of you I've never met whereas others I've had the pleasure of interacting with online and even spent time with IRL. Regardless of our history, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate you. Also, on this Christmas Eve, I wish you all the very merriest of holidays seasons and happiest of New Years!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
You're Not Evil. You're Just Really Dirty.
I'm tired. I'm in a shitty mood. So I'm wearing a new kickass TeeFury shirt. Sadly, I haven't much to say other than I was a huge Powerpuff Girls fan and the Animaniacs have made me chuckle from time to time and now I have a shirt that marries the two. NICE! It also shrunk when I washed it so it makes me look like I have a nice rack. LOL!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Let's Go To The Mall....TODAY!
While the show started to become painful, NPH remained a joy to watch. While Barney Stinson remains awesome so does my Sister from another Mr who gifted me the shirt I am wearing tonight.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Into The Garbage Chute, Flyboy!
Another day. Another blog entry. Another shout out to Star Wars.
A New Hope, Empire and Jedi are, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite trilogy of all time. IMHO, how those movies were before the "enhancements" were made were sheer perfection. I grew up on those movies and saw every single one in the theater with my dear ol' Dad.
Without the ORIGINAL Star Wars trilogy I would not have had the bonding time with my father. I would not know that HAN SHOT FIRST! I would not have known that girls can be feminine and vulnerable and still be tough a nails and kick major ass! I would not have been so shocked by the "Luke, I am your father" revelation that kids, nowadays, aren't as impacted by. I would not have run through the woods being my neighborhood for hours with my friends pretending that we were on Endor or spent days in the back yard, after a Nor'easter, convinced that we're were on the ice planet Hoth.
I like to remember how Star Wars was and I embrace the fact that I'm "that guy".
Sunday, December 8, 2013
How Does A Ghoul End Up As A Barber?
It's a cold and snowy day here in Maryland. It's also the day where I mourn the loss of my PS3. Why? Because there is nothing more that I would rather be doing right at this very moment than playing Fallout 3. Sure! I could fire up my ancient laptop, but it's susceptible to crashing and instead of being engrossed in the post-apocalyptic version of where I currently live for hours on end I'd probably give into frustration and fling the damned thing out of my window and into the growing snow piles below.
Instead I'll just watch some more Psych or empty out my DVR whilst wearing my new Vault 101 hoodie. It's one size too big, but I'm too lazy to return it. Yeah. It's one of those days at the end of one of those weeks.
Friday, December 6, 2013
My Heart Grew Threw Sizes Today
For the first time in a long time I have a weekend with no plans! I've got no road trips planned and no guests visiting. Normally, a weekend sans events would bum me out to high heaven. But this time is different because it's the holiday season y'all and I've got some decorating to do! I've also got some Christmas classics to watch, winter ales to drink and online shopping to get did!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Anybody Want A Peanut?
I think the title is more interesting than the shirt! If you can figure out the connection I'll certainly give you a gold star or mad props. Whichever!
Anyway, my NY Football Giants beat the Washington Racists this past Monday and it was glorious. GLORIOUS!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Your Half-Cafe, Double Vanilla Latte Is Getting Cold Over Here, Francis.
I don't just like TV. I REALLY like TV. I mean I REALLY like TV so much that when I find a series that I like, I will watch the entire series and nothing else until I'm done. Yeah. I'm a binge watcher and I've binge watched the hell out of "Supernatural".
I also really like movies! Like really, really like movies. Like really, really like movies so much that my favorites have been consumed countless times to the point of memorization of lines. BUT, sometimes my brain moves faster than my mouth, so I will paraphrase and screw things up. Oh well! What can ya do?
Anyway, a movie that I've seen a bunch is "Akira" and the geniuses at TeeFury have completed me with this little gem!
Monday, November 25, 2013
B Double E Double R U N...BEERRUN!
This Saturday I ran and walked and ran and walked then beat my last 10K time and celebrated with a beer!
I also went old school with a sporting logo.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
You Make Me Feel Real Good. I Wanna Rub You Down.
Oh wait! I'm about to talk about Color Me Rad and NOT Color Me Badd. DUH! What a silly goose I am.
Anyways (DING!), this weekend I will run in my second 10K ever and as excited as I am for it, I'm incredibly nervous because I'm going to be running the final 1.2 miles solo. Also, it'll be the first race that I'll be participating in where I'll have no one at the finish line waiting for me. ::pouts::
The upsides are that I'm going to have a fun girls only slumber party with some amazing women and my "Sister from another Mr" will be by my side and inspiring me to do my best for the first 5 miles. Oh! I'll also be debuting my sweet new running tights and they do make my booty look soooooo fine!
Oh! That leads me to today's shirt which happens to be a cap. I got it at the Color Me Rad in Philly this past summer and I've taken to wear it when I work out at the gym while my G hat is still reserved for races. Philly was friggin' amazing and I'm hoping that next year the same group of us can get even more covered in colored corn starch!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
NO! Not Scott Hope!
I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but I am completely suffering from a wicked nasty migraine. My apartment is insanely bright therefore I feel worse than I did before I left my darkened office for my home sweet home and I'm pretty certain that someone is drilling into my skull.
Regardless of the fact that I'm living a hell on Earth scenario I quick took a pic of today's T for your amusement.
My 40th birthday weekend was spent on the "Isle of Long" with amazing friends and we even ran a 4 miler! I know how to party. Don't I?
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
#FigmentTested #DuffyApproved
You'd think that to prepare for this week's upcoming 10k that I'd be running like the wind every chance that I get. Instead, tonight, I'm spending time with a mopey dog & wearing my T shirt from my very first 5k EVER!
Disney's marathon weekend was when I was bitten by the fun themed fun run bug as well as the beginning of this current chapter of my life. It was an amazing experience, fun as hell and I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Loosen Your Corset And Have A Drink
Once upon a time, in another life, I got paid to travel. Also, in that same period of time I fell in love...with Asheville, NC.
I was lucky enough to have been able to live there for almost 6 glorious months. In that time period I learned a lot about myself. I learned how amazing a cup of coffee tastes as you sit by the window and watch all of the local characters walk by. I learned how much more interesting art can be when it's displayed in an old Woolworth store. I learned that dogs get as much respect as their human counterparts thanks to all of the pet friendly establishments. I learned that a book is more interesting when you have it hand picked for you by a bookshop owner. I learned how to slow down and really enjoy simplicity and the little things that life has to offer.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Kinley Is The Best!
I have been to "The Happiest Place On Earth" a lot and, specifically, whilst at EPCOT I have spent a great deal of time at Club Cool sampling the sodas of the world. I may have even consumed so much that giggle fits have nearly caused me to wet myself.
A few years back, after enjoying my 6th shot glass sized helping of Israel's finest, I noticed a Russian Coca-Cola T. Since I took Russian in high school & college I had to...had to...HAD TO HAVE IT! Damn! Now I want some Kinley. Kinley rules. Suck it, Dani! ;)
Monday, November 11, 2013
We Attack The Mayor With Hummus!
It's a chilly Monday night and instead of podcasting with the AKS & SKAR I've dusted off a favorite cookbook and chosen to get a little breakfast casserole prepped for the gang at work tomorrow as well as some chicken & dumplings for my dinner tonight.
In honor of my podcasting cohorts, tonight's nerd shirt is for you! The soup, however, is all for me. MMAAWWAAHHHAAAA!
Oh! The reminds me! I think I have a couple of shows to watch and notes to take.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Would You Care For Some Tea?
It's been one hell of a week! Near as I can tell, the best way to unwind after a drama-filled few days is to throw on some comfy duds & work my way through my DVR.
In an effort to EXTERMINATE my angst I've chosen my Dalek T which was gifted by a dear friend who has surprised me a couple of times with packages filled with goodies from cons and such. I am forever grateful for sick kindness and cannot wait until we cross paths again! Perhaps, next time, I won't cause temporary deafness thanks to my loud laughter and howls during an Archer panel. LOL!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
He Called Me His Persian Kitten!
Totes obvie I know nothing else about Oklahoma than there's a musical named after the state and that college sports are a big ol' deal there. Luckily, for you, this keeps today's blog short.
He's me, podcasting in a hoodie borrowed long ago. So long ago that it's now mine all mine. Mmmmaawwwaahhhaaa!!!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Obviously You're Not A Golfer
I've been under the weather and thanks to the time change I'm still hunkered down in bed as I write this post.
Can I just say that I love a good movie? (Well. Well. Well, it's my freakin' blog so I guess I can say whatever I want!). Then again, I also love a good "bad" movie. I can watch either type over and over again until the cows come home! One of the good...nah...GREAT movies that I've seen well over a dozen times at this point is The Big Lebowski.
The hero is goofy, spacey & downright lovable, the plot is ridiculous & the cast of crazy supporting characters is more colorful than Crayola's box of 160! I can quote it, it always makes me laugh & I need to go to a Lebowskifest before I become worm food. I also need to cosplay there. Just saying.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
OH! It's A Tiara! Put It On Me! Put It On Me!
There are two camps with which you can belong. There's Camp I Love It and Camp Laugh Tracks Are Soooooo 80s. Well, dear friends, I don't know art, but I know what I like. What I like to do is laugh and The Big Bang Theory makes me laugh each and every week.
The story lines can be ridiculous and the laugh tracks are old school, yes. However, I have listened to AND been involved in some of the types of conversations that the core group have had. Something about each and every character reminds me of people that I love. HELL! Penny's apartment might as well be mine with all of that IKEA crap she has in there. Also, with all of the dark, sinister and hardcore dramas that I watch it is nice to turn off my brain for 24 minutes a week just to be entertained, go back to a simpler time and just freakin' laugh.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Moscow Mule! Moscow Mule!
So far I've shared shirts that I purchased with my own hard-earned mean green, received as gifts and have received on race days. Tonight, my darling dears, I am featuring a homemade shirt that was created by two of the coolest people I know!
The specifics of our day at the EPCOT Food & Wine festival will remain a mystery since we all know that what happens at EPCOT stays at EPCOT. But what I can say is that fruity beers are refreshing when it's surface of the sun hot, grassy knolls are fantastic places to chill and Mongolian beef on a steamed bun is the best thing that I've put in my mouth in ages.
A heartfelt DANKE to Papi's parents for an amazing time and never stop #lookingforattention #andfoodandwine.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
How in the 'verse did I neglect to post about my recent milestone of running (well mostly walking) in my very first 10K?!?!?!?
The weekend was filled with fun, fantastic friends, frivolity & even foot (f)massages! Oh! The "f" was silent on that one. ::looks around hoping that someone, anyone thinks that's funny::
Anyhooooooo, since it was suggested that I run powered by Serenity I went with one of my faves...that is now destroyed thanks to safety pins...and without the aid of this T coupled with support of my sister from another mister I wouldn't have finished at all OR would have placed last. GASP!
Monday, October 28, 2013
What I Do I Do Because I Like To Do
Don't let the cuddly exterior fool you. I'm not all rainbows & unicorns filled with happy snappy thoughts. I have a dark side. This dark side enjoys TV shows & movies about serial killers, heavy metal & boy oh boy can I be sarcastic! I can even hurt with my words. Mmaawwaahhhaaaa!
This past week I was lucky enough to have experienced the dark side of Universal at Halloween Horror Nights & was doubly lucky to have one of my oldest & favorite shirts "reimagined" by one of the coolest chicks I know. (Sadly, I never got a pic of it w/o the halter toppy goodness being hidden by my obnoxious plaid shirt.)
Anyway, a favorite book and movie of mine is "A Clockwork Orange". It's pure brilliance and super dark. I could go into it more...which I probably should...but I'm tired & experiencing a little writers block action tonight. Sorry. I fail.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
In the wee morning hours I will be heading due south with my little furry companion for a weekend of pure unadulterated fun. The timing could not be better!
Needless to say, I am not on of those sick & twisted "morning people". Far from it! Without a doubt I'll set 5 different alarms and will need mass quantities of my favorite beverage to wake me up and keep me going. Viva la TEAM CAFFEINE!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Ice Cream Makes Me Happy
Friday, October 18, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
But Why Is The Rum Gone?
Yeah...soooo...not the greatest day.
If it wasn't for a weirdo sense of humor, great friends and a frosty adult beverage tonight I would completely lose my mind. Argh.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Yeah...soooooooo...I managed to go away for a weekend of running and NYCC and I totally neglected to take pics of me in the various graphic Ts that I brought along especially for the trip.
I hang my head in shame.
Regular programming will return shortly.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I'm Not Insane! My Mother Had Me Tested.
Over the years I have gravitated towards some very hardcore & disturbing TV dramas. However, with life being as serious as it is, sometimes you have to take time out to laugh.
Recently, I've grown fond of the new show "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and I've mentioned my love of "Archer". What I haven't mentioned before is that I do find "The Big Bang Theory" to be amusing. I know that there are haters out there & quite a few are dear friends of mine. While I can see their collective point, the show makes me giggle & the cast reminds me of friends that I've had through the years.
My sister from another mister gave me the shirt that I'm wearing this afternoon as I get ready for a weekend of fun, frivolity and a freakin' 10K. It's comfy, it's cozy, and reminds me of good friends & good times
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Wow, Sarcasm. That's Original.
It's late. I'm tired. I'll just cut to the chase and say that I freakin' adore Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. At this point I'm not even sure how many times I've seen it and I still laugh at the same parts and even tear up during a pivotal scene. Yeah. I'm a nerd. I know.
I'm also rocking some Leia-esque buns tonight so there! A (wo)man's gotta do what (wo)man's gotta do.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
All Hail Josh Eden!
As I sifted through a box of shirts yet to be worn and written about I found four...count 'em FOUR...that I wouldn't mind wearing on Rock-N-Roll 10K day instead of my usual Cinderella's castle T.
Since it's also NYCC weekend I figured I'd need it up a bit!
I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but I will post the possibilities here and take your advice as to which I should wear come race day. The fate of my finishing time and race day photos are in your hands.
Also, apparently I AM a bigger Joss fan than I thought because three of the four options are homages to his works. The rocket ship is fun and just ironic because my big ol booty keeps me from running fast.
Thanks and be kind.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I Love Ya! Tomorrow!
Soooooooo next weekend I'll be in NYC for Comic Con, the Rock-N-Roll 10K AND the ROC (Ridiculous Obstacle Race). Natch, I intend to wear a few of my fave nerd shirts. Methinks that tomorrow I'll pick out a few of my faves ask for your help. Sound good?
BLASTER?!?!? But I Barely Know Her!
Well. Well. Well. What do we have here? It's all the pieces and parts of a blaster. DUH!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Exterminate! Exterminate!
I admit it! I did succumb to peer pressure. After years of hearing about how amazing Doctor Who was, I did pick it up with the 9th Doctor.
Sadly, I liked the 9th so damn much that I could never warm up to the 10th. Also, all of the talk of Torchwood intrigued me to the point where I picked that show up and MAN ALIVE was it good! It was considerably more entertaining, adult, interesting and sexy as hell. Needless to say, for those two reasons I found it difficult to go back and I quit watching the show altogether.
I do realize that there have been other Doctors since then, BUT, as "they" never forget your first Doctor.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Looks Like Someone's Gotta Case Of The Mondays!
Today is Monday, September 30th and the moon is not full. Just about everyone that I've come in contact with today has been a completely miserable cockjugglingthundercunt. This constant parade of assholes has worn me down and, I'm pretty sure, turned me into one of them. I am in a mood. If I were a giant green genetic mutation I would totally stomp through the city and destroy millions.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Nananana. Nananana. Hey Hey Hey! Goodbye.
Tonight is the night that we say good bye to "Breaking Bad". As sad as I am to see it go, it's nice to know that it's going to go out while it's still great. It's also nice to know that Vince Gilligan was able to tell his story without compromise. With any luck, when all is said and done each one of us will be able to tell our own stories in our own way.
Tonight I also take a departure from the usual graphic T to wear a top that is an homage to Marie Shrader. That woman sure loves the hell out of purple!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Please Stand Clear Of The Doors
Is Walt Disney World REALLY the happiest place on Earth? Honestly, there are some variables involved which include time of year, time of day, size of your party, who's in your party, are you making a quick day visit OR is it the beginning or end of a week-long vacation. I can assure you that the levels of "happy" on day one is much higher than it is on the afternoon of your last day. There are a lot of smiles and giggles on an autumn evening during the week and a whole lotta cursing, bitching and moaning during a surface of the sun hot Saturday summer afternoon.
The Dis is as much a happy place to me as Vegas is. Most of my visits have been filled with great joy while other times have been so incredibly awful that I am still amazed that I'm not incarcerated for going on a rampage in the Port Orleans food court during a Christmas family vacation.
Regardless, one aspect of the park that is always just pure awesome is the monorail. It's a cool place to sit, great place to people watch and a fine more of transport. If you've never ridden one then give it a go because you've been missing out.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Bottled Water One Dollar!
Simply put, Vegas is my "happy place". Fun games, bright lights, exceptional people watching, elaborate shows, fantastic food and FREE BOOZE! Unfortunately, to get from A to B & to enjoy such things one has to pass many a holder of porn slapper. You also have to wade through a knee-high pile of escort cards.
You can make lemonade and either turn said cards I to a nice deck of playing cards. (Fun Fact: That's a GREAT conversation starter!). Also, if you were of the mind, you could call on a fair lady for companionship. What do I like to do when encountered with these individuals? Just say hey, walk right by and covet their attire. I mean a girl's gotta make a living somehow. Right?!?!?
WAIT! Did I just equate myself to a lady of the evening? ::Charlie Brown walks::
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Take The Last Train To Clarksville
It's another Paul Frank shirt featuring Julius. I got it at Fashion Show Mall in Vegas during a drunken, post blackjack win shopping spree and....that's all I've got tonight. Sorry.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Flying At The Speed Of Light. Thoughts Were Spinning in My Head.
After months of almost zero activity (and with three big races coming up with the next couple of months) I figured that it was time to get off my lazy ass. I laced up my spiffy new running shoes and threw on my favorite running at because, quite frankly, public nudity is illegal in this state.
On my shirt is Cinderella's castle. I purchased it at the happiest place on Earth and proudly wore it at my first Disney 5K as well as many other races since then. It's cotton. It's cozy. It's comfy. It also brings back so many memories and reminds me of how much my life truly has changed for the better.
On my shirt is Cinderella's castle. I purchased it at the happiest place on Earth and proudly wore it at my first Disney 5K as well as many other races since then. It's cotton. It's cozy. It's comfy. It also brings back so many memories and reminds me of how much my life truly has changed for the better.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Shanga! Shangaverymuch!
"They" say that all good things come to an end. But then again, so do all bad things and, quite frankly, all things in general. Nothing lasts forever.
Well...maybe some things do last this super super comfy long sleeve T from Lands End with the Springs Apartments logo embroidered on it. I've had this thing for something like 5 or 6 years at this point, I do believe, and it's my "I don't give a fuck what I look like because I'm relaxing at home and it's Fall" shirt. It also reminds me of the good old days or stressful old days or just some work days.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
I'm going In. Rambo Style!
Since it's Emmy night I figured that I'd show some love to an award winning TV drama that I've been a fan if that ISN'T "Breaking Bad" or "LOST". Did you think one existed? I bet not! But I have loved a show before and cried like a baby at the very end. The show made me laugh, cry and even angered me from time to time. It may have been a procedural medical drama, but the lead character was a brilliant, highly flawed, charming son of a bitch who I invited into my home weekly. Here's to you, Gregory House!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
THAT'S How You Get Ants!
No cartoon makes me laugh as hard as FX's "Archer". I mean if you haven't figured out that I'm massive fan girl of that show already (especially since I've already babbled on about Pam & Cheryl) then clearly you have memory issues and should probably see a physician.
See You In Another Life, Brutha.
Thanks to a little show called LOST, my life changed forever...and for the better.
I purchased this shirt to wear for the finale, but instead rocked another on that day. A shirt that I had purchased to support a particular podcast that have me joy over the years. (More to come about that later.).
Years later, I still proudly wear this T and it makes me think of how different things now are. I think about how different I am. I think about the great friends that I've made and experiences I've had. I think about all of the possibilities to come.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I'd Just As Soon Kiss A Wookie
As a child of the 70's, I firmly believe that Star Wars was the greatest sci-fi film of all time. Also, Princess Leia was the first strong, no nonsense, sassy and kick ass female that I was exposed to on the big screen.
OH! If you didn't already know...I'm totally "that guy" when it comes to episodes IV - VI. There was zero reason to remaster and add all that CGI insanity! There was also nooooooooo reason why those pieces of crap prequels needed to be made. Let's be for real. We could have all lived happy and full lives NOT having watched Hayden Christensen's pathetic attempt at acting like a whiny bitch.
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