In the summer of 2012 I was lucky enough to have been able to attend SDCC. As some of you may know, when it comes to the processes regarding getting passes and a hotel room in addition to finding a decent price for flights luck really is the appropriate word to use. If it wasn't for a slew of dear friends, I would have either been in San Diego sans to of over my head or I would have been stuck in Jacksonville, FL that weekend attending Bittercon on my Skype machine.
What importance does the above hold? Well, today I received an unexpected gift from a friend who I had known thanks to social media and also had the pleasure of meeting in the real world whilst in San Diego. (Fun Fact: in my head I just did a kick ass Ron Burgundy imitation there.)
He's an awesome guy with a beautiful family who was kind enough to let his friends borrow him for a few days of panels, post-con meals, convention floor walking and sight seeing.
So skip ahead to this very day, nearly 2 years later, where I get to be the lucky one to receive an awesome new Game of Thrones T. It's nice and roomy and super soft. Thanks so much, Texas Jeff, and as always....Team Joffrey FOREVER!!!
Glad you like the shirt. I wanted to send it to someone who would really like it.