Saturday, January 11, 2014

I Made The Yankees Hat More Famous Than A Yankee Can

Sooooooooooooooooo it's officially day 23 of feeling like complete garbage and how did I celebrate this day?  Well by going into work and doing more than I could for much longer than I should.  Of course.  Because that is how I freakin' roll!

Anyhooooooo, I'm now at mi casa about to kick back with a relaxing beverage and wearing the first things that I grabbed out of my closet...a Yankees T!  It's not baseball season yet and this shocks me. I mean doesn't the season last like 11 months or something. DAMN!  It goes on forever!  Anyway, I don't believe you guys have seen this one before so here it is.  A shirt that I bought in an airport on my way back from an Albany trip I do believe.  Oh crap!  Or was it Long Island?  I don't remember other than it was an airport on my way back to BWI sometime last year. I've been sick, people!  Please cut me some slack.   ;)

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