Friday, August 30, 2013

MFC? That's A Monkey. That Could Me A Melon Looks Like A Co-Co-Nut!

There is a tween girl that lives inside of me who enjoys Paul Frank's Julius.  It may have happened a few years back during a drunken post-slot machine win shopping spree at the Fashion Show Mall in the lovely city of "Lost Wages".  It could have happened while shopping for cute thinks at Target for a friend's baby shower.  It could have happened whilst Christmas shopping in some crazy store in this little hipster neighborhood in Jacksonville that I adored.  Hmmmmmmmmm....any of these reasons seems to be shopping related.  How very interesting!  However the obsession began, that lead me to the purchase of tonight's shirt.  I believe that it came from target.  It's cute, it makes me giggle and it's one of my only nerd shirts which happens to be a tank!  

So tonight is the first of a long weekend so I'm having a little extra fun with even more fun on the way.  MMAAWWAAHHAAA!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Words cannot describe how much I freakin' love football!  I know, that kind of sets this particular blog entry up to fail.  Doesn't it?

Anyhoo, I grew up in a house where the only two teams you were allowed to root for were the NY Football Giants or the Miami Dolphins.  Why Miami?  I haven't the foggiest!  My best guess is that it's because my Father has always been a fan of the Sunshine State.  Regardless, football season is a magical time of year for me.  There's something magical that happens the moment I park my car in a stadium parking lot.  My heart starts to flutter, I grin like I don't know any better and and I feel butterflies in my stomach.  The excitement and energy that surrounds you from that moment you set foot onto the asphalt is intoxicating.  There's just so much to take in!  There are many sounds, smells and the people watching is amazing!

Now I'm not a stadium snob, because I truly enjoy watching games at home surrounded by family and friends.  Here, again, we have more smells, sounds and, generally, a whole lotta trash talking.  What's not to love?

Football season also tends to be time for Pumpkin Spice Lattes!  Today I had my first of what I'm certain will be many for the season and I was heaving in my mouth.  I cannot wait to have another tomorrow.  I mean I have to.  This gal is an addict!

OH!  I'm so sorry that I cheated by not wearing my newest Giants T selfie style.  Truth be told, I'm a hot mess tonight and chose to "self edit my life:,  I'd hate for you to see me all mussed up after a long-ass, miserable work day!



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Just Felt Like Running

Running is an activity that has completely changed my life in every conceivable way.  Initially, it was something that I started to do because it was a way to become a healthier version of myself without joining a gym. Also, it was a great excuse to get out of the house and spend time alone with my thoughts when times were incredibly tumultuous for me.  All I needed to do was throw on some comfy workout clothes, tie up my running shoes, fire up my iPod and head outside.  Those 30-60 minutes every couple of days saved my sanity!

Besides my life saving "freedom runs" I've been fortunate enough to participate in quite a few running events and lucky enough to run alongside some of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  From my first 5K at Disney to my most recent Drenched run near DC every single race has been something that I cherish and I've taken something amazing away from each experience.  Now on to today's shirt!

A couple of months ago I spent the weekend in Philly with my sister from another Mr as well as some friends old and new!  We ate amazing foods, drank delicious brews, experienced the eclectic neighborhoods in Philly and even ran the Color Me Rad 5K.  It was pure insanity and I loved every second of it!  Trust me when I say that you have not lived until you've danced under a thick cloud of dyed cornstarch.   Unlike my 40th birthday run which was about beating my time and proving that I am just getting better with age, this race was all about the fun!  It was about letting go, getting dirty & having a blast with friends while becoming a tie dyed version of yourself.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Merci Bleh Bleh

Today was not the greatest of days so when I returned to "Fort Kickass" after what was a far from fantastic work day I grabbed a comfy newly gifted to me shirt which always makes me laugh.  It's also pretty appropriate because tonight I feel like a loner, Dottie. A rebel. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch.

Over the past few years a lot of wonderful people have come into my life. Every one is special and every one has taught me a little something about the world. Above all, every one has helped bring technicolor joy into my previously blandly monochrome life.  

Some of these people I have had the pleasure of talking to on a regular basis for the past...WHAT?...15 years (or so it seems...hahahaha) about a little TV show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Have you heard of it?  Well, it's been a fun ride and when I think about how much I have change...I mean MY LIFE has changed since we started recording Potentialcast it really boggles my little mind.  Without these special people I don't know where I'd be today.  The distraction of watching and then discussing a series that ended long ago has been a wonderful distraction from past drama.  Also, the friendships that have formed mean so much to me that (I'm saying it now and I'll say it again) these friends have become family to me.  

Bee Tee Dubs, can I tell you how weird it still is to me that our conversations are listened to by others?  CRAZY!  Also, VIVA LA BRONZE!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Milkshake Brings All The Boys To The Yard

For 18 loooooonnnnnngggggg months I lived on the surface of the sun...I mean in Austin, Texas.  I know how everyone and their brother seems to think that ATX is the most kick ass place in the universe to live, but boy do I have news for you.  It really wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.  The traffic was a fucking nightmare, every time I went outside it felt like I was roasting in an oven and many of the inhabitants were poser douche bags who acted like they were rock stars or just too damned cool for school.

That said, there were a few pluses.  The Alamo Draft House is the greatest place to see a movie, Central Market is the biggest baddest most amazeballs grocery store ever built, Camino Real on Spicewood Springs Rd. has the tastiest breakfast burrito that I have ever put in my mouth and then there's Amy's Ice Cream.  Amy's has what I believe to be the richest, creamiest, most decadent, creative and flavorful ice cream in the Milky Way Galaxy!  If you're ever in Austin (or San Antonio) please do yourself a flavor (hardy har har) and grab a cone of the Mexican Vanilla, Guinness or All Thai'ed Up.  You.  Are.  Welcome.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

40 Once in My Lap and It's Freezing My Junk

When I got dressed this morning I blindly pulled out a T from my nerd shirt bin.  It's a newish one and already one of my favorites.  Since it arrived in my mailbox I've worn it during a run along the C & O Canal and a weekend away in Philly for the Color Me Rad 5K.  It's also been on my person while I've hiked to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain.  But today of all days was the perfect day to "just happen" to wear it.  It finally dawned on me how much Pam Poovey and I have in common.  

I know.  I know. I know.  I'm an actual flesh and blood woman while she is a cartoon but hear me out.  I think I have a valid point!  While we both can have issues with our inner monologue, blurt out colorful exclamations, have a penchant for breakfast pastries (bear claws...rawr), love of a good shandy, adore our dolphin puppets, don tattoos and did some interesting things to get through college I think the most important thing is that we are both confident independent women.  

While Pam grew up on a "cheese farm" and, as I understand it, that's where a lot of her confidence came from...well...I did not.  Mine has waxed and waned over the years.  But today, after my latest, greatest and last (for a while anyway) piece of IKEA furniture was completed (after a run to Home Depot for a special drill bit might I add) I sat back on my red sofa, took a deep breath and looked around me.  All of the furniture as far as the eye can see was chosen by and built by me.  All of my art work, nicknacks and doodads were gifts from those who are dear to me.  Everything that I have is special, has true meaning and a place.  Everything else has been discarded or set aside for a later day.   I've finally created something that is truly mine in every way and I did it on my own.  It's taken me quite a while to get to a place of zen and I'm in that place today.  Right now.     

So yeah.  I guess Pam Poovey is my Power Animal?  SLIDE!  Rather...SPLOOSH!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah science!

As of late, the bookends of my weekends seem to be Friday nights at IKEA and "Breaking Bad" before I hit the hay on a Sunday night.  Therefore, it seemed fitting that on tonight's excursion to procure some ready-to-assemble Swedish furniture I would choose to don one of my newest Teefury shirts which celebrates two of my favorite characters from my favorite TV drama of all time.  That's right!  Jesse Pinkman and Walter White, BITCH!

Now I know that the end has yet to arrive.  But near as I can tell, the little show about a chemistry teacher just looking for a way to help his family carry on in his absence and his former student trying to make it in this world is really something to behold since it's the closest thing to perfection.  Just like my ability to build shelving units with an Allen wrench, rubber mallet and a can-do attitude!  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Is Me Expressing MYSELF!

I do not have 30 pieces of flair, but at last count I have damn near 100 graphic Ts (or as I like to call them "nerd shirts").  Over the years I've received them as gifts, inherited them friends or purchased them on a whim.  Regardless of how they've come into my life (rather, taken over my closet) each and every one means something special to me.  I'd like to take this opportunity to share their stories in both words and pictures because...well...apparently, I am in a sharing mood!

Nearly three weeks ago I moved, yet again, and tonight I completed the purge of what I have been referring to as my "Monica Closet".  It might sound a little wacky, but after I returned from the trash room a sense of calm washed over me.  I finally live in a home where everything has meaning, purpose and a place.  I also have no more tasks left to accomplish and I can truly just be.     

Tonight's shirt is a lime green v-neck "artist T" that I got on super mega ultra clearance from the J Crew outlet in St. Augustine which I purchased back in the winter of 2011.  It's soft, cozy and I'd have to say that it's the Linus Blanket of my funky colored T collection.  So tonight I start with a clean slate both metaphorically and literally.  Tomorrow I start spinning my yarn!