Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Is Me Expressing MYSELF!

I do not have 30 pieces of flair, but at last count I have damn near 100 graphic Ts (or as I like to call them "nerd shirts").  Over the years I've received them as gifts, inherited them friends or purchased them on a whim.  Regardless of how they've come into my life (rather, taken over my closet) each and every one means something special to me.  I'd like to take this opportunity to share their stories in both words and pictures because...well...apparently, I am in a sharing mood!

Nearly three weeks ago I moved, yet again, and tonight I completed the purge of what I have been referring to as my "Monica Closet".  It might sound a little wacky, but after I returned from the trash room a sense of calm washed over me.  I finally live in a home where everything has meaning, purpose and a place.  I also have no more tasks left to accomplish and I can truly just be.     

Tonight's shirt is a lime green v-neck "artist T" that I got on super mega ultra clearance from the J Crew outlet in St. Augustine which I purchased back in the winter of 2011.  It's soft, cozy and I'd have to say that it's the Linus Blanket of my funky colored T collection.  So tonight I start with a clean slate both metaphorically and literally.  Tomorrow I start spinning my yarn!


  1. Great picture! I can't believe you remember when and where you bought a shirt! This blog was meant to be. :-)

  2. I'm so excited about this blog! Way to go G!

  3. Bookmarked! Looks like you're off to a great start!

  4. I'm interested to see what cool/funny t-shirts you have to show off!
