Saturday, September 14, 2013

Are YOU Suggesting Coconuts Migrate?

Since I've been at Casa de Madre's since yesterday, I've been feeling nostalgic.  

Most of my life I've felt like a bit of an outsider.  Even my sense of humor has always been a little "off".  When I was in Jr. High, while most kids were entertained by TGIF, I was (figuratively) laughing my head off watching Fawlty Towers, The Young Ones and Monty Python's Flying Circus.  I know that many think that the Parrot Sketch is played out at this point, but I think it's hilarious!  Right at this second, as I type this entry, I can hear "THIS is an EX-PARROT!" in my head. 

Since I have an obvious love for Monty Python is goes without saying that I absolutely adore "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".  It's a brilliant comedy that does not take itself seriously at all. Genius. Pure genius.  It's quotable and highly re-watchable.  If you haven't seen it then you've lived under a rock since 1975.  Sorry!  Didn't mean to get all judgmental there. Or did I?  


1 comment:

  1. the Dead Parrot Skit can never and will never be played out, it's always funny
